Griselinia Variegata – 25 litre 100/120cm



Griselinia Variegata, or “Kapuka” which is its Maori name, hybrid is a slower growing Griselinia with attractive irregularly margined cream leaves streaked with grey and green. It grows about 20cm a year, making it very suitable for smaller sized hedges of 1 to 2m tall. It will withstand salt laden winds but not right on the seafront.

25 litre pot. 100/120cm.

Griselinia Variegata is a dense, upright evergreen shrub with glossy, bright apple-green leaves streaked in grey-green with creamy-white edges. This variegated form of Griselinia is perfect for a warm coastal garden.

Care: In April or May lightly cut back any shoots that spoil the symmetry of the plant. After pruning apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant.

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Griselinia-Variegata-25litre 100/120Griselinia Variegata – 25 litre 100/120cm
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