Griselinia littoralis – 25 litre 170cm+



Griselinia littoralis (“Kapuka”) is a broad-leaved evergreen native to New Zealand. It is well-suited for forming hedges and screening as it has dense, evergreen foliage and can grow up to 8m tall. The leaves are an attractive feature being broad, leathery, shiny and a fresh shade of apple green. Many of the leaves have undulating margins that in a hedge, look very striking. This is an excellent choice near the coast as the foliage is extremely tolerant of maritime exposure and salt spray. Good on light, loamy, well drained soils in sun or partial shade.

25 litre pot. 170+cm.

A large Griselinia littoralis like this excels when grown as a tree. Severe frost (-4°c or below) can give the leaves a glazed, pendulous look which can look terminal but rest assured they recover wonderfully well as soon as the temperature rises.

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Griselinia littoralis 25L 180+Griselinia littoralis – 25 litre 170cm+
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